Author Topic: Remember when you first started?  (Read 20594 times)

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Re: Remember when you first started?
« Reply #30 on: September 05, 2008, 10:33:52 am »
You'll be in shock for a second when it does happen David - and it kinda hurts, hehe ;D.
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Offline El Destructo

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Re: Remember when you first started?
« Reply #31 on: September 05, 2008, 11:04:16 am »
I dont know ......I think David rubs that Magic Soap of His on them Staves before He makes Bows from them.......makes the Wood all Soft and Smelling Purdy......not all tough and Musky!!!! Eben the Obsidian Blades and Point I got from Him smelled Nice!!!!

Dont worry David....just kiddin......but I aint kiddin Here.........when you break better be ready....cause like Cowboy's Scary....and sometimes Hurts too!!! I have pulled splinters out of my Face....forearms and Head does and will happen to even count your blessing so far...and be ready for the one down the road that lets go!!

WEell I have heard a lot of Stories...but no I will start it off with my first Pride and Elm Limb that had so many problems I decided to Sinew Back it....when I had no Idea how to work Sinew let alone lay it down....and it shows too....but this Bow is 58 inches long and is 73 punds at 27 inches....and now 6 years old and besides the tons of cracks in the super thick Hide Glue still a very good shooter's Ugly ....but was a real Learning Expereince too!!

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Offline El Destructo

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Re: Remember when you first started?
« Reply #32 on: September 05, 2008, 11:05:44 am »
Nobody told me that you needed to soak the dry Sinew in Water before you dipped it in Hot Hide Glue to soften it!!!! Live and Learn!! This Bow is so Ugly it's almost Funny!!!! ::)

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Re: Remember when you first started?
« Reply #33 on: September 05, 2008, 11:56:34 am »
My mother gave me my first bow (and suction-cup arrows) when I was 4, but I quickly shot everyone in my family "accidentally" and lost the privilege for a few years.

I guess I was about 7 when I started building my own bows.  There were a few books on American Indians in the school library and I tried to copy the pictures.  Luckily, I lived near a forest and played there every day.  My first bows were made from dead branches...pine mostly...with kite string for bowstrings.  I guess it took a full summer to learn that hardwood shoots make the best bows.  I don't remember what the wood was that I used but I never tillered the bows and always left the bark on.  The heavy (thicker) end of the stick was at the bottom and I held the bow where it balanced on my finger.  They were short, I used a pinch grip, and they had very short draws.  My arrows were made from very thin shoots that were cut green, peeled with a kitchen knife, and fletched with paper. I made some arrowheads from slate (a combination of chipping and grinding) but I could never get them to stay on so my points were just sharpened wood.  I think I put the heavy end of the shoot forward.  I did all this instinctively.

I would make a new set every summer until I was about 13......when we moved away from the forest and into the city.  I can remember my last set:  cherry wood sapling bow, bark on, tillered slightly by reducing the "fat" end of the stick, a piece of a previous bow lashed to the center to prevent the middle from bending too much.  The arrows were all dogwood, badly checked, sharpened at the skinny end, and fletched with paper from grocery bags.  I used a pinch grip and instinctive shooting.  I tried hunting but never killed anything....except maybe a frog or two.

Somewhere in that time frame I learned the "correct" way to shoot from an archery instructor at a Boy Scout camp.  I learned the three finger grip and point-of-aim style target shooting.  I learned that bows and arrows "needed" to be long and smooth.  I learned that archery was something that has very strict "rules" that were developed by very smart guys who were great sportsman.  I learned that the Indian stuff I was making was inferior.  I didn't buy it.....but I felt the pressure.

When I started earning my own money I bought a compound bow and converted to the Church of Modern Archery.  I was baptised in camo paint and supported missionary work in spreading the Gospels of Metal Alloys, Wood Laminates, Epoxy Glues, and Synthetic Fibers.  I thought I was destined for archery heaven.

Well, fortunately, a group of strange people from an organisation called the Society for Creative Anachronism rescued me from the cult. I began making English style longbows and I once again regained my connection to green wood, real feathers, linen thread, natural pigments, hand tools, and so forth.  I washed off the camo paint and put the wheelie in storage.

To make a long story longer, it wasn't until 2005 that I really started to build archery equipment seriously.  There was an authentic bow and arrow set on ebay (Sioux, I think) that I lost to another bidder 15 seconds before the auction closed.  That one event made me so furious that I've spent thousands of hours (and dollars) to ensure that I could make my own set.  I'm almost there.  This forum is one of many resources that has helped my in my quest.

Many thanks to all of you. ;D ;D ;D

(PS  Sorry for the religious references in my story...I'll delete that part if anyone is's meant to be humourous. ;D)
« Last Edit: September 05, 2008, 06:49:22 pm by jackcrafty »
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Re: Remember when you first started?
« Reply #34 on: September 05, 2008, 01:31:57 pm »
nicely put jackcrafty... ;D
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Re: Remember when you first started?
« Reply #35 on: September 05, 2008, 03:46:02 pm »
Yeah! I know one day it will happen but I still have the record of not breaking one!  ;D  Plus, they smell good too!!!  ;)
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Re: Remember when you first started?
« Reply #36 on: September 05, 2008, 06:38:44 pm »
I remember my first and still have it after many attempts and violent explosions six to be exact. I finally got one a 69 inch two inch at the fades 3/8 at the tips meanest teeth jarring, spine shaking ,Bladder ,splatter and liver, quiver Hickory with bamboo backed bow I hope to ever shoot a person learns a lot in a couple of years

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Re: Remember when you first started?
« Reply #37 on: September 07, 2008, 12:08:29 am »
I remember when I was 3 or 4 shooting a little strung piece of wood and wooden dowels and me and my brother chasing each other, I shot him in the leg when he was running  ;D, Later that day we went to the lake near my house and I tried to shoot a fish! the dowel floated away because I didnt want to get in the mucky area LOL

when I was 6 or 7 I remember listening to robin hood and dreaming of shooting a bow and wanting one really bad!

When I was 8 or 9 I went to my parents to pick up my sisters friend and there was a bow her dad was going to through away and I wanted it!!!!!!!!! I strung it with a piece of cord and got some arrows from the store and start shooting it was probably 20lb draw. Soon I saw a youth compound bow at the store and me and my bro each got one, and that week my best friend got a fiber glass longbow from a flea market and we would all walk around shooting em in the field in front of my house.

when I was 11 I had lost my compound some time before and I got a fiberglass longbow that was a 25lb draw and shot it constantly... I even got a nice target for christmas! which one of my arrows broke in

when I was 14/15 I started really getting into survival stuff ect and I wanted to make my own bow and started looking for everything i could on the internet that I could find.. but alot of it looks complicated and all my attempted failed.

I am now about to turn 18 and for the last  3 years have been focused on Ancient weapons! I find my self fantasizing about bows and other weapons alot LOL! Ive still yet to make a shooter but have had afew close was technically shootable but was badly tillered with whip ends so it wasnt worth the effort of making a string.

Ive now made alot of improvement in other weapons such as slings which I find myself being exceptionally accurate after two years of trying  ;D and Ive gotten to be a very good shooter with my Shakespeare recurve but I will conquer the bow soon enough!

so the answer is very possibly 15 years.. but I dont want to be that pathetic because ive yet to make a shooter  :D

Offline D. Tiller

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Re: Remember when you first started?
« Reply #38 on: September 07, 2008, 02:43:04 am »
Keep trying and attend the 12th Annual Tennessee Classic in Clarksville, TN at the Twin Oaks Bow hunters Club. Pappy and da guys there, and a couple Yoopers, will show you how to do it and they're a great group to boot. I came away last year grinning from ear to ear and I swear I got a mix of a southern draw with a bit of the U.P. accent showing up in my speech. Yep! Good times, good food and great folks!!! Must attend!!! Ah, the memories!  ;D
“People are less likely to shoot at you if you smile at them” - Mad Jack Churchill

Offline TRACY

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Re: Remember when you first started?
« Reply #39 on: September 07, 2008, 10:08:29 am »
I reread PA vol 1 issue 1 and found the article by Jay Massey to be appropriate to this thread. For those of you new and old give it a look and I'm sure you'll walk away with some new thoughts and ideas about bow making in general.

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Offline Pat B

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Re: Remember when you first started?
« Reply #40 on: September 07, 2008, 04:32:57 pm »
This is one of the first bows I felt comfortable enough to hunt with. This one was probably built 10 years after I started building wood bows. Black locust, 61"t/t and assymetrical, 1 5/8" at the fades with a straight taper to 7/8" limb tips with pin nocks. With the tips on the floor, back up, there is
2 1/2" from the floor to the back of the handle. The handle is 1 1/2" deep and the arrow shelf cut out goes almost to mid limb. The last pic shows a fret that runs cross the limb and 2/3 through the thickness on the sides of the limb. There are also small chrysals along both limb bellies.
   I was so sure of this bow when I built it that I named it "Killer?".  ;D  At that point it was the best I had made. When this bow was built I had nothing to compare it with except the books I was reading. I've come a long way, Baby!  thanks to PA and all involved.     Pat

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Offline Badger

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Re: Remember when you first started?
« Reply #41 on: September 08, 2008, 05:25:57 pm »
Pat, every BL bow I have built has at least small chrysals or worse. I think there may be some variation in the wood as a lot of guys have great luck with it. Steve

Offline George Tsoukalas

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Re: Remember when you first started?
« Reply #42 on: September 08, 2008, 08:50:19 pm »
Not counting my disastrous early days I haven't had many BL bows chrysal. I agree with Badger. I think Northern BL is pretty good stuff. I've made 6 ash bows. 5 chrysalled. The one that didn't was from a board. It's not the wood. It's the type of bow I prefer. Me thinks. Jawge
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Re: Remember when you first started?
« Reply #43 on: September 09, 2008, 12:12:52 am »
Steve, I cut my bow building teeth on locust because I could buy fence rails for $5 each. I screwed up lots of good locust over the years. Almost all fretted and most took excessive set. A few made it to pretty good bows. I have a very nice locust stave the Alan(Woodland Roamer) gave me for my birthday. I will work on it this winter. Thanks again, Alan. ;)
   George, ash is the other wood that I have trouble with. Frets and set. One reason I like osage so much is because it takes all the abuse I can give it and still preforms. 8) That's my kinda bow wood!  ;)      Pat
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Offline Susquehannock

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Re: Remember when you first started?
« Reply #44 on: September 09, 2008, 09:03:36 am »
I shot a compound for about 12 years. In late '02 / early '03 I started to get the "itch" to switch to a recurve bow. About the same time my wife and I were having a conversation and she made a statement something like, "Anyone can kill a deer with a compound bow. Now, if you made your own bow, that would be an accomplishment." She has since regretted those words! That conversation set me into a mission to find out how to build a FG bow. I looked at several online vendors, and by chance came across Primitive Archer Forum. Who knew people actually made bows out of wood? I completely ditched the idea of building a FG bow, bought the TBBs, read and re-read this forum, and got really good advice from people like Pat B. I broke my first board bow and then made a nice rawhide ERC that lasted a couple of hundred shots and blew. I finally made a 'shooter rawhide backed Red Oak board bow in low 40's weight. Couple of years ago I got permission to harvest some osage from a landowner (I later returned and gave his wife a gift certificate for $25 to the local sweet shop--cheap gift for the rewards). I have built several osage bows now and will be hunting this fall with one of them. I owe it to this site for steering me down this path and have been a subscriber to PA because of it's website. Bowbuilding is my freetime passion along with hunting and fishing.

The first year I hunted with my own bow, I had a black bear walk within 20 yards of my ground location (he stood on his hind legs to investigate me). Later that spring, I had a curious coyote run about 60 yards from me while I was turkey hunting. I had never seen either while I was hunting the previous 14 years! I think hunting with a wooden bow brings us to a closer connection with nature.

« Last Edit: September 09, 2008, 10:13:02 am by Susquehannock »