Very nice group of points. The first point I ever found was a large Dover chert biface,3.5" long and 2" wide, that was very thick and had side notches. The edges were unworked and at least a half inch was broken from the tip. The interesting thing is it had to travel during the late archaic from middle Tennessee to southwest Arkansas. That is a pretty good triip given the time period. After reading a book on Povery Point in Louisiana by Jon Gibson I believe it was used to dig roots or tubers. Dover is really tough looking stuff,but you did a nice job with it. Glad to see someone else likes novaculite. It has become my favorite material. I can't think of any other rock that is so abundant in vivid colors and glossiness. It takes getting use to but itreally knaps nicely. I'm very lucky liiving here in Tx halfway between the Edwrds Plateau and Hot Springs, Ark, home of mountains of novaculite, where Osage grows like weeds. Great set of points.