Heya guys!
Wow, this nice treat to wake up to! I guess I passed haha

Ok, I try answer questions now.
Dano & Alan,
Thanks guys! This skin is from python! It is much thicker than normal snake skin and really big. I had small problem with it as the skin has a spine like thing and makes a ridge in middle.
Thanks mate!
The cherry bark was quite pain in @$%! to put on since I only had titebond. (If you have like rubber cement, use it!) What you do is you glue down one edge and after its dry, brush on more glue and then wrap around until it over laps. Keep a finger on it and then wrap it with artificial sinew. (because it is wide and wont dent as much) If its done tight, you should have a clean fit, then you just trim the overlap and sand with fine grit. Btw, its easiest on round surface, so like on arrows and such that dont have big flat surface.
Thanks man!
It is some type urethane finish, it looks good but not very durable. I will re-coat with something thicker later.
Santa Dana,
haha love the name, and thanks much!
haha yeah, you are smokin' man! but hey, that is an awesome bow! Oh and thanks a bunch!
Thank you friend!