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2nd Annual Christmas Trade...ship Jan 5

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As there appears to be enough interest in this, here's the official announcement ;D

One change from last year is Handmade Gifts Only! no raw material, hope everyone is ok with this :)

Gifts can be just about anything, bows, arrows, knives, knapped items, quivers, art work, jewelery, woven baskets. Take a look at last
years for idears.

To our friends in other countries please feel free to join, a number of folks are willing to ship overseas :)

Da Rules Eh :)

1.) Give a gift from the heart as its better to give than to receive.
2.) Handmade Gifts Only.
3.) Post pictures of yourself with your gift when received.
4.) E-mail me one picture of yourself with your gift, please only one picture. Set your camera to its highest setting!!! An 8 megapixel camera set at
640x480 is not high resolution, High res pictures are necessary for publishing in PA magazine.
5.) When you reply, please state some basic info: Draw length, right or left handed, other outdoor interests ie. fly fishing trapping etc.
6.) PM me your name and addresses and whether or not your willing to ship overseas.
7.) The dates are as follows. Sign-Up ends Sept 21st, Ship Date is Jan 5th Please no early shipping, I would like to see everyone receive their gifts at roughly the same time. I will PM you who you have drawn with an address by Oct 1st.

This gives everyone who joins 3 months to craft a gift, even with hunting season I believe this is ample time. Thanks in advance for participating and I hope those of that didn't join last year will join this time. Please be aware that if you join you are committing yourself to this, so consider carefully and don't get in over your head.

I won't be joining myself as I will be doing the drawing and the organizing although I will have a gift or two ready just in case of any snafu's or other trouble.

Send pictures to either of my e-mail addresses:

Merry Christmas Eh Y'all ;D

Dana, I'm in for sure. I missed out last year, and it looked like a great time.

My only question is, how do we know who we are making the gift for? Forgive the maybe dumb question, but this will be my first time participating.



Dane I will PM you the name and address of the person you draw :)
Thanks for joining its a good time. Sorry you don't get a bonus for being the first ;)
PM me your name and address and you also need to follow rule #5 :)

John K:
Sounds good pm sent, but i forgot to say i will ship over seas  ;D

So far we have

1.) Dane
2.) JohnK(a.k.a. formerbuthcher)
3.) cowboy

See Rule #5 guys ;)


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