spring 2007. a cool, crosp morning, ready to go rabbit hunting, with a good old longbow. i waas armed with a hickory longbow, no recurves, no tricks. my cousin was armed with a horse bow he'd made in 4h a few years back- a smooth ahooter, im not going to lie and say im not jealous

. we got ghilled up, and creeped to my grampa's garden, where we'd seen a good amound of rabbit, constantly. there had been groundhog problems, but id never even seen one at the property before. we waited, and within a few minutes, we realized the green tomato bush wasnt moving from the wind- something was there. my cousin was-possibly still is- a better shot, so he shot first. the blunt tip cut through the foliage, but it barely nicked the groundhog. when it finallt came out, we both thought it was some kind of beaver. He ran out (we comfirmed it was a he) and i loosed the feild tip from the bow. i didnt realize how fast the thing was going, by the time i made contact it hit the same wounded back leg-but it was better than nothing. i saw another arrow ( by the way, i used muzzy's , but my cousin only had judo point arrow tips, im sure alot of you know what those are) fly right over its spine. It ran into thicker brush, near the pond, i let loose an arrow, missed him at about 13 yards i wanna say. an arrow hit him in the gut, about three seconds before it ran into the unknown hiding spot we've been trying to find for the past week- under the fish house. there were about six holes in all, so we plugged all of them up with scrap plywood from the new barn, and got the rip cord smoke grenades from the car- this is where it got a bit redneck-ish. we opened two holes up, and chucked the smoke bomb down there. It was realisticly something around a minute before he ran out,and we put the last arrows into him- both hit, the blunt managed to hit him in the head. i have some disposable pictures of it, but no copier, but this thing was massave, and after that we both split the $10 for killing it- them managed to get some good rabbit to end a good small game hunt. hope you liked the story, post if you wanna post, or hopefully you had similar experiences.