Main Discussion Area > HowTo's and Build-a-longs
Stone Age Witch Hazel (updated 1/18)
Very cool thread! I've been wanting to try making an all-stone tool bow for some time now, and this thread has given me new inspiration. BTW, I had the opportunity to handle a witch hazel bow made by Scott Silsby a few years back. He handed it to me with the instructions to just hold it by one tip with my first two fingers plus my thumb. When he let go of his end, I was able to hold it horizontal to the ground with just those fingers; really light wood, in addition to being tough. Pretty much all of the witch hazel I've seen growing has been too twisted for a bowstave, but Silsby got very secretive about where his "special stand" was located.
No work on the bow tonight. Hopefully I'll get it to floor tiller by the weekend. I'm definitly lucky to have Jamies help on this project. The stone tool work is much toughter than with steel(No suprise there). Although it's tougher, so far it's much more peacefull and enjoyable. I guess because I'm not too worried about a "perfect" wall hanger. Maybey because it feels more natural ? Dingleberry so far I would say that all the steps presented took me about 7 or so hours? There was a lot of B.S. ing while working not to mention eating and turkey chasing. ;D
Gonna be a great build along Rick, I think this should take priority over any and all honey do's ;D
Cool build along,I agree with the rest on the teacher,can't wait to see the finished bow. :)
dude this is going to be so cool wathcing you do this with stone tools. 8) 8)
you guys already got me wanting stone tools si that i can give it a try on a sapling
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