I don't know what resources you have available, but I've made a few out of really BIG timber nails that I bought at Home Depot, (they're about 6 inches long and 3/8" in diameter). Get the bright steel ones and not the galvanized ones. Heat them in a fire (charcoal will work) them beat them flat with a hammer and a piece of steel, (anvil, railroad iron, etc).
If you have access to a dremmel get you a metal cut off wheel and then find Venison Burger's post on the Trading Post part of the forum. He usually has some large band saw blades for the price of postage (about $7 if I remember). That's the kind of saw blade that Okie1 used for his point pictured above. Once you get them cut out, sharpen with a file and whet stone.
If you're really adventurous, find your self some flint, glass or porcelain and knap some. Lots of YouTube videos and books on the net that will teach that. Plus a special section here on the forum for those of us that break rocks. Ask and you will receive.
Good luck and have fun.