Ok, back to the technical stuff.
Tim, it was not to hard to keep alignment. When I do recurves I willer them to about 20" prior to sinewing to make sure taht everything aligns. I make the nesecary adjustments as i go. Sometimes you need a little heat to get them aligned. The hardest thing is because the limbs are so wide and the recurve so big the limbs want to twist if the tiller is not good in section....meaning side to side wood balance.
Mark, Yes. I made this handel a bot stiffer. I have made quite a few of these and have made the tiller differnt on every one from perfcet circle to this. I have come to prefer a little bot less bend in the handel on this style bow. They of corse still need to bend a bit.
Here is an earlier version:

That bow still shoots great and is holding tiller ok. But this new one seems to be a bit faster and has better early draw weight.
Thanks guys fr all the nice comments, espically Oldbow that is a great thing to say.