For me it has been a great voyage of rediscovery. I didnt take too well to woodworking at school, preferring metalwork instead. During the summer holidays we used to make bows and arrows out of anything we could find, and there was something about the ballistics and the inherent danger that took root right there and then. When I started college I stopped doing all that stuff, and archery / outdoors pursuits of any kind just went away. Girls, bikes (motorcycles), and partying just used up all my free time

A few years back I decided that I needed to do a new hobby outdoors, and I looked into archery again. Here in the UK my main interest was field archery, and I've been lucky to have an active club near enough on my doorstep, so I had a play, and then joined up. Since then, enjoying being back in the woods, I moved from bought FB recurves to bought ELB, all the while learing to make better and better arrows. As my confidence improved I decided to have a go at a bough-bow using a yew branch. That went ok too (nothing special), but then I took a 2 day course with Chris Boyton (to make an ELB), and a course with Hilary Greenland (to make a primitive ash flatbow). Then I discovered you guys here at PA. I was hooked.

. I got the full set of TBB, and there's no limit. Tbb IV just turned up as a birthday present too.
A while back 'markinengland' started on-line discussions about having a primitve class in our field archery society. It sounded good to me, so I got on board with him, and now there's quite a few people competing in the class when I go to shoots in my area (SE England).
Shortly after that point I decided that I wanted to make
all of my own gear. On Friday I finished my second quiver, and went to a shoot with it yesterday. It works great, and got a fair few comments (some asking what kind of animal was climbing my back....). So, all I have to make now is:
1. A knife (but I have two bought gorgeous lappish knives already)
2. a bag to hold some of my stuff in, and
3. a new tab.
Give me a week, and I hope to have #2 and #3 done

The knife will take a little longer, but a friend of mine is a blacksmith, so that will something else to try........
I just love the challenge of making things with my hands. The more I make, the better I get. The more things I see on PA, the more I want to make too. It's a vicious circle that I cant seem to get out of

Keep up the good work my friends!