well i cant speak for anyone other than myself.
for me i was fastenated with indians as a young kid and always trying to make my own bows and arrows to play with, used tree roots cause they were flexible,didnt have a clue what i was doing back then,not sure if i have a clue yet.
as i got older,being a guy i like technologicaly advaced stuff ( gadgets,come on who doesnt right ) so i got into wheelie bows because they were modern and had technology built into them ,cool right.
well a few years ago i picked up a magazine at the local news stand, it was called PRIMITIVE ARCHER. well thats about all i needed to get my head back on straight and get my interest back into the indian style bows, or as we call them selfbows. well another hunting season or two went by and i was wanting a new bow.
i went down to all the big box type stores and priced out all the new wheel bows and the things they call long bows. holy crap you damn near need a second mortgage to buy one of these i thought out loud,the guy behind the counter smirked. i walked out all disappointed because not only could i not justify that kind of money on a new bow, i just plain couldnt afford it either.
then i got to remembering that first and only issue of PA that i bought a couple of years earlier. i remember seeing pictures in there of bows that readers made.
i thought to myself " hey i bet i could do that too",even though i have never been good at wood working,thats why icbecame an auto tech and not a carpenter lol
so i did a little research. since i dont have access to trees that can be cut i purchased a floor tillered stave on line,then another and anonther. now i have been succesfull with four or five bows. i am damn glad i couldnt afford that new bow.
so for me the popularity came out of the lack of $$$ and the want of a new hunting bow, now i can afford a new bow several times a year. i have a nice little collection of staves that growing like,well like a small forest. the pleasure of knowing that i made that, and now i have friends who want them too,but they dont want to go thru with the manual labor of making it for themselves, i tell them what kind of wood i want they cut the tree,i make them one bow out of the tree i keep remaining staves

well like i said,cant speak for others but this is what got my intrest