Well I started this bow for my brothers boss. He has a family farm in IN and has supplied me with Sage for the last several years. Never met the guy but my brother speaks highly of him. Thing is he delivers all the sage. My bro and I keep telling him we will cut and haul. but the guys father has some worry about 'strangers' getting hurt on his property. So Don (my bro's boss) keeps cutting logs and hauling them over to my Brothers house and delivering them each time I go north to see my folks.... talk about service. He even has been getting better about log selection for staves.... Feel I owe him one. Only thing he has asked for is something pretty made from the farm that he can pass along to his kids and what not.
So I made up this bow. Still have to make a set of arrows for him. Hoping to make one or 2 with knapped heads for hunting as well as some target arrows.
Really hope this bow will inspire him or his kids to start shooting primitive. I'm REALLY hoping it doesnt become just a wall hanger....
Cause she is a shooter....
Think this is the best bow I have made to date. No hand shock. sweet fast shooter. and really pretty to gaze upon.
specs are:
Osage orange cut in 7/07
64" NTN
55 lbs at 30"
Tillered to 31 just in case.......
Road Kill Corn snake backing
Buffalo hide handle wrap.
Dogwood tips
finished with 8 coats of true oil then one spray coat of helmsmans spar varnish to flatten out the shine.
Think I might have to take her out hunting at least the first art of this hunting season to break it in right before I had it off to him tho.....
Hope you like.....
