Author Topic: "bundle bow"/"panda bow" help wanted  (Read 8702 times)

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"bundle bow"/"panda bow" help wanted
« on: August 12, 2008, 05:21:35 am »
Guess I'll start out by introducing myself because I just joined here.  I'm Jonathan a 19 year old male, who is a Christian baptist and is currently enrolled in a seminary in the Philippines.  I was born in Texas, what a change I'll tell ya.  Ok, back to the subject at hand...

After looking at different bow designs and comparing them to the supplies available and my experience which is pretty much none, I decided to settle on the "bundle bow" for my first actual bow, the others I've built were just a flexible stick(I found in the woods) with a string attached, lol.  I've read some articles on "bundle bows" and looked at some pictures of them, which leads to some questions I have.

1.)  What is a recommended amount of sticks to put into the bundle and does adding more to the bundle make the bow more powerful?

2.)  I plan on using bamboo for my building material, however I haven't found any shops with a suitable assortment.  In case I can't buy any bamboo sticks, is it possible to make a "bundle bow" with just thin planks of it instead of sticks?

 3.) Assuming everything goes well, will this bow last long or is it just temporary and if will last long is that with just the raw bamboo or with some kind of wood coating added for protection?

Thank you for your help, it is greatly appreciated.  Hopefully in the near future I will find a reliable bamboo source and Lord willing be able to make a good "bundle bow" out of it.  Thanks again in advance for the help from you guys.

Far East Archer

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Re: "bundle bow"/"panda bow" help wanted
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2008, 06:04:58 am »
Hey Jonathan!  :)

This bow type is great to start with, I believe.

1) You need a minimum of 4 bamboo shafts to make the bow. Adding more does increase the power of such bow, but add too much and your bow will become slower. It is better to use dense bamboo instead of adding more to get weight. Make sure the bamboo you use has THICK walls and not thin. Thin walls will break easily. Look at the end of the piece, if the walls are 1/8" or less, I wouldnt use.

2)If you cannot get the shafts, I suggest you make a Bhutanese bow. This is basically two slats or planks of bamboo that have been taped (and sometimes tacked with a single nail with tape over) together and then tapered towards the tips.

I can give more info on this bow if you decide to make this instead.

3)A bundle bow will last a very long time as long as the length proportions are good with your draw length. This mean, if you pull 28" your bow shouldnt be short than  62" or so. The other bow I mentioned will last just as long as well, and if made right, it will out shoot the bundle bow. Just takes a bit more work to make.

Have fun!!!  ;)

Offline david w.

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Re: "bundle bow"/"panda bow" help wanted
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2008, 08:55:48 pm »
I would help you but im Catholic ;D  Couldnt help it :)

No i really would but i dont really know much and Alex gave a great answer
These pretzels are making me thirsty.

if it dont go it - El Destructo


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Re: "bundle bow"/"panda bow" help wanted
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2008, 12:25:56 am »
Lol, thx for the replies.  After thinking about this somemore, I came up with a few more questions...

4)Say I have 3 bamboo shafts in my bundle bow(small medium large), if I decide to make it more powerful by adding more bamboo, do I need to keep the same proportions (ex. I would now have 2small 2medium 2large etc.)?

5)What does the word "tapered" mean in terms of archery?

By the way, archer if you want to send some links or instructions on the Bhutanese bow, thats fine with me, helps broaden my archery knowledge.  As for david, if we're wrong in our beliefs disprove us with scripture and that should end the argument.  Oops, hope this doesn't violate those forum rules, I don't want the FBI(forum bureaucratic investigators) after me and knocking at my door, =D.  Thanks again for the help really appreciate, sorry for alot of questions, this is my first actual one and I want to give it my best shot.


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Re: "bundle bow"/"panda bow" help wanted
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2008, 01:58:30 am »,95.0.html

Read the rules, no discussion of Politics or Religion, it's like good table manners; keeps everyone happy.

Otherwise welcome to PrimitiveArcher!

Far East Archer

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Re: "bundle bow"/"panda bow" help wanted
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2008, 03:44:36 am »
4) I suggest you use all the same size bamboo. (all the same thickness) This way it will be easier to tie/tape together and you wont have to worry about having some weird deformed shape at the grip area. As for length, If you use 4 pieces make the first piece the same size as you are tall. the next piece 8-12" shorter than the first. Your third piece should be about 16-20" shorter and the last just make it about 16". (This is just off the top of my head) so, if you are 6 foot, the first piece would be 72", then 60-64", then 40-48" then 16". Make sure when you tie them together you have it staked so that the longest piece faces you, then the next longest and so on.

If you want to add more weight, just add pieces that are in between those measurements, not the same length. Or, you could shorten the pieces. It depends how far you pull the bow as well. For 28" you only need a bow of 68" at most.

5)Taper means to reduce gradually or become smaller or thinner toward one end. This can be done by scraping,shaving or whatever with a knife,axe or other bladed tools. Of course you could also use a rasp or file to do so, but I think it would be easy for you to obtain a knife than a rasp? Basically, you want the area close to the handle to be thicker and wider than the tip, which should be smaller in both width and thickness.

As for the Bhutanese bow, I have no links. However, I can give you a pretty good set of dimensions and tips to make it.

First you will need a few things.
-tape or cord
-knife/rasp/machete/axe you get the idea...
-36" pole of bamboo with walls 3/8-1/2" thick or two separate slates of that thickness/length and a width of 1 1/2"
-bow string (you can use anything that wont stretch much)
-heat source (this can be a stove/ bed of coals/ heat gun etc)
-sand paper

Ok, if you get the bamboo in pole form, you must now split it into 1 1/2" wide slates. If you got them in slate form, dont do anything yet. Next step is to draw out the taper. (basically the shape of the bow arms) from the THICK end mark out 1 1/2" wide and at the other end mark out 1/2". Make sure these two measurements are centered! Now remove all the material outside the lines you have drawn. You should now have a isosceles trapezoid shaped limb.

The back of the bow (part that faces away from you when you hold the bow) should be the non glossy side of the bamboo. Make sure you DONT cut this area in anyway. sand the edges round and smooth as possible so that you can run a cloth over it and it wont catch on anything. After you have dont this to both limbs, but out the tips (nocks in bowmaking terms) It should look like in the picture I will show below) Make sure these are smooth with no sharp edges that could damage your bow string.

The next step is optional, but it improves performance a lot. The glossy side of the bamboo is the belly. Take your heat source and slowly and carefully heat the GLOSSY side of the bamboo. Do this slowly for about 30 minutes to each limb until it is golden brown, not black. This increases the bamboo's strength and will make a faster/stronger bow per pound. After both limbs have been heat treated, tape or bind them together at the thick end. Make sure they both have the same side up. (non glossy side) They should over lap about 8". You can put a very small nail in the middle, but Make sure it is very thin so you dont split the bamboo.  This helps prevent slippage but it isnt needed to create a working bow if the bindings are tight enough.

Once everything it assembled, make a string with one loop at the end. The string should be as long as the bow. Tie one end to the bottom tip so that the string is about 4" shorter than the bow. Make sure that you bend the bow so the glossy side is the INSIDE of the curve and the dull side is the OUTSIDE of the curve. Bend the bow and slide the loop onto the top tip notch.



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Re: "bundle bow"/"panda bow" help wanted
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2008, 06:38:29 am »
wow, thx the details help alot on figuring out that bow, I was thinking on different ways to arrange the bamboo in the bundle and came up with this, the plan is a total of 6 poles 2 tall, 2 medium, and 2 small.  The arrangement would like this...

-topdown view-
   (s)           s=small       m=medium        t=tall


I would be pulling the tall poles where the string will be attached towards the belly, like a normal bow.  Hope this isn't confusing, I'm sorry if it is.  Just wondering what you guys think of this design, this hopefully will be my last question on this, lol.

Thanks again for all the help it really is appreciated.