FINALLY finished tillering / shooting in my second osage for my nephew - 60" NTN 63# at 27#, assymetrical limbs. Followed the string a good bit, but it seems easier to shoot than my first effort at 56#....
Was going to do a potassium permanganate/stain and parrafin /tung oil/ varnish finish a la torges' H.O.B. book.....
Potassium permang. is now considered a hazardous material

- used to see it in the drugstores like the book says, but no more!

At least they let me buy parrafin.... hopefully I wont get too crazy and make a candle or anything...

If I scare any up, anybody ever do this method, or have an idea for a similar substitute that would work well under tung oil/varnish? My nephew said he'd like a dark "walnut gunstock" color, and I know he needs a low-maintenance finish.....
Will post pics as soon as she's painted up -