I know newnan's lake. My Girlfriend used to live about three streets up from the lake, by the fish camp. 124, or 5th, I think. Lot of gators in there. (The lake, not the college )... Like to come up around your boat. They found a bunch of old dugouts made of pine, and couple of years back, when the lake was low. They took pictures, and measurements, etc. and left them where they were, in the mud. I made the mistake of offering to do her drain field for her, and while digging, I found flakes, and some scrapers, and some pieces, with a distinct " V " notch in them. I am guessing, but maybe an arrow scraper, or something to make a point in a dowel, or something. No Arrowheads though. I have found some flakes, and fossilized fish bones, and some arrow heads, down in Hypoluxo, around the Congress ave. area. Used to be Melears Dairy across the street. A good friend of mine used to live there, and he showed me where he had been digging, and several pieces of posts, that were in a circle, about a foot and half down, and we found some broken arrow heads, and pieces. He had some intact heads, and various implements. We wanted to do more digging, but the place was being developed, and there are houses sitting on the site now.
Stick bender.