I've got most of my cedar arrows ready with broadheads mounted. Those are for "Ryans" bow. I still need to haft some stone points on some cane arrows and shoot them a few times. I'm also planning to hunt with a little 60" sinew backed recurve some. I have some shafts straightened and ready to fletch for it, but been to busy to get it done.
As for practice, man it's been hot lately! Most of my shooting has been from about 12 yards in my basement. As soon as it cools down a little, I'll start trying to get in some serious practice.
Anybody here have enough
actual experience hunting with knapped points, to say whether glass is tough enough to hunt with? I wouldn't mind trying to kill a deer with an old mason jar,

the bottoms knap real nice and look cool too.
Paul, have you fixed up any of them footed arrows we traded for yet? Saw Filer