On Friday at about 11:00A.M. I noticed the mail carrier with this big long tube.

I saw it had my name on it.

I imediately opened it and i found the nicest bow i have ever seen. It is a 55" Sinew backed osage recurve #42 @ 28"with a hognose snake skin over the sinew. WOW! I LOVE THIS BOW!! IT has the finest craftmanship i have ever seen on a bow anywhere. More than $700 compounds or anyhting else. What amazes me is how SawFiler got a full 28" draw from a 55" bow. It amazes me. I cant say enough good things about this bow. It is soooooo nice

I have never seen a snakeskined bow in person and it is one of the coolest things i have ever seen

This hognose snake has a very cool pattern.
No thats not it also SawFiler sent 5 extremely nice cane arrows.

These are sooo nice

These are the nicest arrows i have ver seen too.

SawFiler plugged the end with osageand then cut the nock. I think that is really cool. He does such a nice job. HE aslo mentioned these are his first cane arrows witch i dont believe.

This can also seems like really tough stuff like everyone says just as tough as carbon i think.
This is an extremely fast bow. I was amazed something could fling an arrow liket his does. It left me in awe.
You also know this is a great bow and arrow set because i have shot this bow out to 30 yards and i havent even lost an arrow


Pictures are soon to come. i asked my mom to go get a camera battery but she wont so its not my fault

but when i get one lots and lots of pictuers will be up. This bow is gorgeaus!

Here is some background info SawFiler gave me on the bow
"I made that bow this spring to take to the TN Classic. It started out as nothing more than a sliver off a larger stave I was working on, but I just couldn't see throwing it away so I decided to try to get a bow out of it. That is the first semi bendy handle bow I ever made and also the first sinew backed bow too. You can thank El Destructo for helping me out on the sinew job, as I had lots of help from him.
It originally had black racer skins on it, but I tried an experamental finish on those and it (the finish) cracked. It shoots pound for pound as fast as any bow I've made and is plenty fast enough to kill a deer.
I was talking to DanaM, telling him about it and how I never shot it much and he suggested I give it to a kid since it was only 42# Well, I already gave most of the kids I know that have an enterest in archery a bow, but then I thought of you. Your always on PA and I just thought you might like it.
Anyway, I stripped the black racer skins off and took an eastern hognose snake skin I had that I didn't have a mate too and split it down the center and it was just barely wide enough to cover it. It's definitely different! The handle area is built up with leather. "
"Those were the first cane arrows I ever made. El Destructo has tons of experience working with sinew and was very good to give advice on how to apply it. I actually sinewed it twice. The first time I done it, it popped off I went back and scored the back with a hacksaw blade and it stuck that time. BTW, the sinew is from an elk a 12 year old friend of mine killed in eastern KY."
"I almost forgot to tell you. I call that bow "Double trouble"I sinewed it twice, snakeskin backed it twice and finished it twice. I learned a lot from that little bow. If you ever get to come to the Classic, you'll have to bring it with you. It (the bow) and those arrows have already been there. Now all we need is you. I tell ya, you would learn and see more in one weekend down there than you could in years of trial and error.
Everybody, and I mean everybody bends over backwards to help each other.
That little bow's been shot by a bunch of the PA guys too. GregB, Ryano, and I think PatB might have even shot it too. Heck, they might have rubbed a little good medicine off onto it"
I believe they have i havent lost an arrow

This is a class act by Mr. Walker and i am very grateful. I love this bow! I have carried this bow everywhere with me around my house, my bedroom, the bathroom

seriously i took it to the bathroom. I couldnt let it out of my sight

And thanks to El Destructo for his expertiece in sinewing and Dana for suggesting giving it to a kid. I love being a kid

This really is a great bow and it has an incredible amount of power. i would love to hunt with it.
Pics to come.