Just finished up my new bow.
Here are the specs:
76" Nock to Nock
Pacific yew 40 RPI
Took aboout 1/2"of set with about 200 arrows through so far.
This stave started out as a basket case. It had a 1" of deflex and about a 60 degree propeller twist. It took alot of work to get a bow out of and all the way I had my doubts until the end! Now at the end I am nothing but pleased with this bow.
Here are some pics: (The one on the bottom is the new bow the other is my old bow used for size refernce its 90#@32")

Bottom Nock:


Cloe up:

Braced (new bow is on the left):

Almost full draw. I am going to have to grow into this one a bit. Here she is at around 30". (those arrows are 32" BOP). That last 2" will be hard gained but I will get there soon!

I like showing this pic as well. It really show cases the English War Bow when next to standard bows...scary arnt they

For scale refrence from the left: 90#@32", 125@32", 60#@30, 60#@30"

Thanks for looking!