Funny, I gots a really fast one that looks very similar

I think your curves look right on for that style bow.. You did real good!

To make your glue-ups even easier here's how I have been doing it for many years..
I usually pre-tiller the belly much like I would a selfbow, and this will let the bow take a graceful curve when clamped up..I rarely use more than one clamp on each limb, and I set up each glue-up with a set of small blocks so I can change them with each bow if I wish..
By testing them before gluing up you can see how the limbs are taking shape..It's real simple, and using tb3 a couple of innertube strips, and some string to tie the two pieces together before wrapping with the strips, you only need a few clamps for the shape..
Works great, and adding the bamboo usually doubles the poundage so this can give you a good idea, and is a little more evolved than trimming the slat in the jointer..although if yer making a hundred that'll probably do..
I did this demo at Mojam recently, and it was most enjoyable watching the folks eyes bug out on how simple it was. I also hit a dull scraper on a grinding wheel, and they really liked that trick too

I hope this helps, and I hope to see you making a lot more of these bows!