I got the brilliant idea of making my own shooting glove after hurting my middle finger from shooting to much. I had already made two other shooting tabs, but I was bored.
I recycled an old red leather purse (its nice living with three women). I used the handle for the wrist band, which you tighten by tying the shoe lace. The bands between the bracelet and the finger covers is some weird hide flat rope, that I found in one of my dad's drawyers. They are held on by rivets. This may not work, and I may have to do more sowing. I had to hammer down the rivets becuse they stuck out on the inside of the finger covers.
To make the finger covers, I made an outline of my finger, plus some on the back of the leather. I turned the two "U" shaped peices inside out, sowed them (thank you home ec class), and then turned them right side out.
I have only shot with it a few times, and it has yet to fall apart. I just thought I would show it to the world, and maybe somebody else could improve it and be helped by it.

I do hope you guys can see the pics.

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