Here are a few Osage Orange Plains bows. The one pictured on the top has conventional nocks. The lower one is more authentic with side nocks.
These are the other horse bows. We seldome here of them, seldom are they replicated. They are not the most efficiant design, not utilising much of the limb but boy are they cool!! They shoot an arrow hard and fast. Tough to get acurate with but that is part of the challenge of primitive bows. I have no doubt they could take down any big game animal with a well placed arrow. The hardest part is holding them.....the tiller is extremly delicate and if you hold the bow a tad off the tiller gets off. No big deal they shoot great.
Here are the specs.
Bow # 1 The conventional
40" n 2 n
Osage Orange
7 white tail tendons
Conventional nocks
Bow #2 The Authentic
40" n 2 n
Osage Orange
7 white tail tendons
Side nocks
Here they are unbraced:




Close up of top nocks. The Plains Indians would have used horse hair for the bundle on the Authentic bow. I used dyed white tail deer tail.....should be good MOJO for hunting.

Lower nock. Notice the wraped excess string on the Authentic. This was common on the originals

Full draw on the Conventional

Full draw on the Authentic:

There you can really see how the tiller can get strange depending on how you hold the bow and string. I think the pinch draw wuld be of great benifit to these bows. Something I will have to learn.
Thanks for looking.