Hey guys thanks for the info, but i would appear there are alot of things that i need to learn, flemish string knot etc. I have bow hunted for the past 25-30 years with all kinds of bows but never wooden ones .It wasnt until last fall
when i met an elderly fella 83 or there abouts who had been teaching classes to the natives on manitoulin island thats up here in Canada . Anyway long story short he wanted to sell all of his bowyer equipment and pass the art of bow making on to however was interested . He made his first bow during the war when he was stationed in Europe.
For me bow hunting is my passion , but seemed to be slipping away with bows that are topping the 300-350 fps. the challange is not there anymore .so when fred showed me his primitive equipment and pictures of the animals he had taken i was Hooked!
I read the first Bowyers Bible and did what it said and just started . The first bow was walnut and seemed to be going good until i looked over at my belt sander, it turned into a 20 pounder in a matter of minutes, just like the book said.
Now that you know where i am coming from ,this bow is 65 inches made of ash. right now it is 55lbs at 28 inches i can draw it back but seems a little harder than i am comfortable with.
Brace height is 4 inches I think the bow would be better 45-50lbs should i twist the string and leave the bow at 55lbs and will it work itself down to 50lbs the more i shoot it?
I will have to get one of the bibles out to find out a little more about flemish strings and knots .
This sounds like the place to be for some great help but i need to read a little more to understand what everyone is talking about Thanks Dan