Well...this is my 1st bow..built it bout 3-4 years ago. It had a ton of handshock but it survived so I was happy and moved on to the next. I never put a finish on it cuz I was always tweakin it a little or workin on another one. Well after narrowin the tips a bunch and roundin off the edges of the limbs more I finally got rid of that hand shock so I finally put a finish on her. I have built 7 or 8 bows now but this is still my favorite..
Specs are 56" long, 50# @27", bend thru the handle, 1 1/8 wide tapering to 3/8 tips. Walnut overlays, leather handle wrap. I put 3 coats tru-oil on her and it was beautiful...but shiny..so I hand rubbed a bunch of natural beeswax on it to dull it down for huntin

I started with 2" of reflex and it ended up dern near straight when done. It was made from a small branch so it has a high crown on the back....sorry the pics aint better....Brian
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