I've thought on the matter of survival, and how the bow plays into that, for a while now. Here are my thoughts so far.
The bow is actually a very advanced weapon. It requires tuning, proper construction, and care in practicing. It really would be the most efficient weapon for survival- it's made from the materials at hand, easily rixed, quiet, deadly, accurate, and replaceable- but requires alot of devotion. A rifle does not. Also, you owuld have to make compromises in design. Though recurves are great, you won't want one for survival- and no handles, rests, silencers, terrific casts (like Marc's reflexed statics), or fancy colors. You'll pretty much get a bent stick, a few crude, pointy arrows, and nothing fancy. Along with these compromises though, you also have to work ,much harder at actually developing the skills necessary- which means other skills (like pottery, tanning, shelter construction, cooking, and medicinal plants) will likely get the back burner. Meaning your life would probably be more rough and hrader than otherwise, with pretty much no downtime. You would be living very much like a wolf, which menas you have to go a while without a food frequnetly and will be travelling/hunting alot.
It's not the life most would want to pursue, because it requires much more than we're used ot giving up. However, for some this life would be the best choice in tmers of actual survival. You would worry about less, make and carry less, and would be able to spend almost all your time hunting.
Of course, survival with a rifle always makes me wonder, "what will you do when you run out of bullets?" If you're able to buy them, is it really the same sort of survival? Anyway...