Like Greg said. I am so thankful that my Father took my Brother and I hunting at an early age. I was five yrs. old and when we would all pile into the truck with the jeep with airplane tires, and loaded down with bedding, homemade ice coolers, which actually worked better than the Igloos I have now. My Dad, Mom, Grandfather, Brother, and myself, and two dogs. We would stay in a big ol home made canvas tent with a metal (EMT) electrical tubing frame, and old army cots. But the times we had were just phenomenal, and the food, just the smell of the woods, the damp soil, the swamps, the Owls in camp, and having a hoot out, to see " Who" was the dominant Owl, and my Grand father cussing at them and getting up a one in the morning to chase them away, because he was going turkey hunting before daylight, to get to the place where he and my Dad had roosted some turkeys. The thrill when he would come back with a Turkey, and my Dad would come back with a Buck. And the Food! Did I mention the Food?!! My God, my Mom could cook. She would make Squirrel stew, or Squirrel and dumplings, or fried squirrels, fried quail, doves. And when My Dad, and Grandfather came back with a couple of ducks Oh, Man! My Brother and I were in charge of getting squirrels, with our .410's.
The frost on the ground, the smell of the grass, the sound of a Hawk, squawking as it flies overhead, The crows, and ravens, frog hunting in the edges of the saw grass near the camp at night. The naturalness of it all. It is just something that will stay with me the rest of my life. Oh how I wish I could be that age and do it all again. So by all means enjoy, and thank your parents for the priceless gift they have given you, and enjoy it to the fullest. Like Greg said, just study everything around you, the leaves, the insects, the plant life. You'd be surprized what you can see, and learn. Like what really IS important and what is just decorations, in life. And by all means pass it on to your children. If your wife won't have it, trade her in for more compatible model!