Crar, welcome to this facination and addiction. Do a google search, there are site that you can use to find out what kind of wood grows in your area, and areas you could drive to as well. is one that looks easy to use, you just need some of the leaves from a certain tree and it will guide you along. is a page taht shows common hardwoods in Florida. You have tons of options, ash, hornbearm,
6 types of hickory, eastern red cedar, eastern hophornbeam,
guava, about 10 types of oak,
American and Florida elm....just a feast! Now you just have to figure out where they grow, and go harvesting.
Looks like you Florida boys have it good. And sometimes wood just finds you. A huge branch feel off the maple tree in my front yard, and I got a 12" diameter, 12 foot long log out of it, as well as a few big limbs and some smaller limbs too, so it doesnt have to cost and arm and a leg.