I recently made an ipe and bamboo elb out of a decking plank bought from a local timber merchant. The wood in the centre of the plank was almost faultless so that went into the elb - (see "Ipe and Bamboo" thread in warbows). That left two scrap pieces from either side, one too small to use the other just an inch wide. It didn't look good enough for another elb and was only just wide enough to make a flat bow. Well - waste not want not, here is the result. Bamboo backing from the same pole as the original longbow, the riser is some balau I had left over from the core of a previous bow and the handle binding literally a scrap from a leather shop. Left over bits of black buffalo horn for the nock overlays and I think the whole thing must have cost me almost £10 - it's an expensive hobby this bow making!
Length 66" n to n width 1" at the fades. It's 48lbs # 27" (I don't draw much more than that), 50lbs at the maximum tiller of 28". The top limb retains a tiny bit of reflex the bottom limb is almost perfectly straight so its a fraction out of tiller when braced but fine at full draw - though I didn't put it on the tiller quite straight for the pic.
I love this combination of colours, there are lots of mistakes here by the bowyer plenty of imperfections in the tillering, but nature got it right with the colours and it was worth making the bow just for the beauty of the wood once it has been oiled. It's light and quick and a great little knock about bow for field shooting.
Thanks to you guys for all the information and advice on this site - it's a huge inspiration to those of us who want to leanr more about the craft!
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