well got to thinking the other day,wife says i shouldnt do that cause it gives me nose bleeds. shes a funny lady sometimes but i love her anyhow.
said to myself "self,summer is all but over. next thing ya know its gonna be bow season, what are ya going to hunt with. i hope i aint going to have to use my training wheels again. NO I AM A BIG BOY NOW, I DONT NEED TRAINNG WHEELS!!"
since both my sons were doing their thing during the day on the 4th, i decided to get busy on a bow kit my loving wife bought me for my b-day back in feb.
its a boo/hickory reflex/deflex bow.( i know some of ya say that this aint exactly making it by yourself,well tuff cause i aint looking a gift horse in the mouth,its still a bow)
so i mixed up some bow grip 100 and went to town gluiing it up and put it in the heat box for 4 hrs to cook the glue,and then let it sit and cool for another 20 hours,actually got busy with a couple bottles of wine and box of fire works lol.

well so far this is what ive got,never glued my own bow up before. so i hope she dont go POP on me.
the glue lines look pretty good,little thick at the handle but since it aint going to bend there i think she'll be alright.
i really am hoping to get this one finished in time for bow season. nice thing is season stats first part of sept. and goes untill the end of the year here in Mn.
well wish me luck,cause i'm not the most speedy when it comes to making these things. i always seem to get going good on one,then it gets close to being finished and it gets put aside
so i can start the next one but i never seem to finish them all the way. well at least bow season is good and long,should be able to get it done by the last day of the season lol