I've posted two knives lately, and they were preceeded by the little one on the right in the following pics. Two questions have been asked on forums, that prompted me to add these two views. One question was regarding the shape of the Elk antler handle on the Bowie in the middle, and the other about "pinning" end caps (epoxied). The Red Cedar Handle on the left is capped with a thiner piece of brass that I fashioned and a 3/4", knurled-headed, brass bolt. Bowie's cap is White Corian pinned with a 1 1/4" Brass Srew with the slot filed off. The small one on the right has a small knob of Whitetail antler (front and back) pinned on with another of the knurled brass bolts. Hope this helps (anyone, in any way - LOL). I still need to get my buffing wheels set up so i can buff out the brass parts, etc. - but you get the idea(s)