instigating little Twit!!! You are trying to make ME come to Canada and whoop yer Arse....ain't cha!!!!
S.D......Thank said it...It wont win No Beauty Contest....but then I don't enter Pageant's either....they are for Girls!!!! And no My Wife aint out robbing Graves for Sinew and Skins for Backing!!! She is working 6 pm to 6 am..... but that is a Thought!!!!
And Jawge......Thank You My Friend.........I really do love the Lines of these Bows....and the Feel of them in your me this is a Bow....and I will never change My point of View on them.....and as for leaving it at Full Draw for so Long.... I once took a Red Oak Paddle Bow I made....left it at 26 inches of Draw for 4 Hours....just to see when it would Blow.......and it never did.....never!!! I swear to the All Mighty....I don't believe that there is a more Bullet Proof Primitive designed Bow ever made than these ....they distribute stresses so evenly ...I think you would really have to try to destroy one..
Manny....that is a great compliment coming from You....I can only hope to be able to touch a Piece of Wood....and draw forth such Bows as you do...........You Da Man!!!