Author Topic: Any one in Cincinnati area???  (Read 3668 times)

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Offline BearG

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Any one in Cincinnati area???
« on: June 25, 2008, 11:03:14 am »
Looking for someone in or around Cincinnati area that builds bows.  Can only get to Pappy's acoulpe times a year.  And need a teacher or someone like me who only knows alittle to build with.

thanks Bear
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Papa Matt

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Re: Any one in Cincinnati area???
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2008, 11:33:40 am »
I'm about 2 hours away in Seymour Indiana. If I was closer I'd come over and build with ya. I get most of my wood from my dad's property, which is about an hour from Cin. I often am alone in my craft as well and so far 50% of what I've learned has been through trial and error, and the other 50% has been by reading reading and more reading. I've often wished I had someone to learn from, or learn with but no one around me gives a crap about primitive archery. My wife, bless her heart, tries real hard but even she can't understand the passion  :D >:(    You can e-mail me any time though.


Offline BearG

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Re: Any one in Cincinnati area???
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2008, 12:50:11 pm »
well Matt IK'm in the same boat kinda.  got friends that love to shoot but,  not into building.  I hate to read so kinda screwed there.
learned alot from Pappy and the Twin Oaks boy's.  But that 5 hour drive is a bit to build bows. lol
how far from Vevey are you?  I hunt out there for the most part.  Maybe we could hook up sometime.  You should also try to make it to the Tennesse Classic in May it's a great time and you can learn alot.   I'm going to go in July for a open shoot they have and to scrape on a bow.
I call a lot of people brother, but only count a few as family.

Papa Matt

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Re: Any one in Cincinnati area???
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2008, 01:28:34 pm »
I hear ya. I have a few friends who machine hunt, and call it a bow. But my best Black Locust bow they wouldn't take if I offered it to them for free (whereas to me, my best BL bow is worth a great deal because I scrape and file all my stuff by hand. A power tool never touches it, except for the chainsaw when I cut the tree.) I doubt I can get down to the Tenn Classic, although I would like to. Money is pretty tight and I do well to travel the 45 minutes to my dad's house currently. But I know that it would be a world of fun.

I think I'm probably about 45 minutes from Vevey. Isn't that over by Friendship? Did you go this last week? I went the 2 opening days but couldn't enjoy much, for having my hand in a cast. I did manage to buy some red pipestone for a lakota pipe I want to make, and a bunch of leather for quivers and bowcases, and some other stuff.

Basically I have only begun to know enough to make bows I would shoot in public, but if you come down to Vevey we could get together and maybe scrape some or shoot some. I'll look into where exactly Vevey is, but I believe I saw the road sign on the way to Friendship this year.

Offline BearG

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Re: Any one in Cincinnati area???
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2008, 02:55:47 pm »
didn't make Friendship this year.  I go though there going to hunting camp.  we where at cloverdale shoot.   I had to much to do to make it the second weekend.  I hunt about 10 miles out of Vevey.  Your over near jefferson proving grounds right?  I think there is a club that has shoots out near Vevey
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Offline TRACY

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Re: Any one in Cincinnati area???
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2008, 03:12:04 pm »
Alright guys, July 11,12 and 13(Fri. 3pm to Sun. 12pm) there is the Heartland Bow Jamboree in Morgantown, IN. at the conservation club. Minuteman has the link under primitve shoots. It sounds like a great time with camping and free firewood and lots of bow building and fellowship.

Papa Matt, I'm just north of you in the Mt. Healthy area and sounds like we have some of the same ideals on primitive and the passion involved. If you can't make it to the jamboree drop me a pm and go from there.

BearG, I don't think this will be the same as Pappy's but should be a great event for all. I spoke with Pappy and the guys at Cloverdale and they thought that there was something else that weekend, but hoped to attend in the future. I know that there are some primitve bowyers in your area and hopefully they chime in.

Tracy Fairchild
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Papa Matt

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Re: Any one in Cincinnati area???
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2008, 03:13:11 pm »
Yeah, not too far from the Proving Grounds. I know of a place that has shoots, but it's not just primitive, they do machines and laminates as well. Its a nice little trail with lifelike 3D targets, bear, moose, lion, etc. If your interested, Friendship has it's 2nd run the 3rd full weekend in Sep. That's actually the nicer one because its usually nice but not quite as hot as this one in June.

Offline BearG

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Re: Any one in Cincinnati area???
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2008, 03:29:24 pm »
Thanks tracie  I was thinking about going but we are  going down to pappy's the next weekend so I'm not sure if I can swing it this year or not.
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Offline BearG

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Re: Any one in Cincinnati area???
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2008, 03:33:59 pm »
matt  I'm still mostly shootin my widow recurve :-\ .  mainly because I've let to build a bow I can shoot worth a crap ;D  But I wouldn't mind gettin together and fling some arrows.   And your right about Freindship Sept. is alot nicer most of the time.  last year it was in the 90's on the first Sat. I think
I call a lot of people brother, but only count a few as family.

Papa Matt

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Re: Any one in Cincinnati area???
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2008, 05:08:59 pm »
Bear, I can dig it man. Keep in touch and when my hand gets better, we can do some shootin'. I'm going to try to go to the Morgantown event like Tracy is saying.

You got any bows your working on now?

Offline BearG

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Re: Any one in Cincinnati area???
« Reply #10 on: June 25, 2008, 05:18:25 pm »
Finishing or I should say refinishing a osage bow started at pappys 2 years ago.
hopen it will be a killer
I call a lot of people brother, but only count a few as family.

Offline BearG

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Re: Any one in Cincinnati area???
« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2008, 05:24:17 pm »
Going to take a stave to pappys in July to see if its any good or not it came out of so stuff Cowboy brought and even DanaM.
wouldn't take.  so will wait and see I guess ;D
I call a lot of people brother, but only count a few as family.

Offline BearG

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Re: Any one in Cincinnati area???
« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2008, 05:26:49 pm »
But free osage is always good.  one of the farms I hunt has some and I'm going to get with the owner to see if I can cut it this fall.
I call a lot of people brother, but only count a few as family.