Mike, all Jim had to do was tell everybody to go to his link in the paid advertisers section like he has been told over and over again. It would have drawn people to his site and gave them something interesting to read, in his own words.
Every Moderator has gone through this about every 6 months, and new rules were made, just for Jim.
If this was Trandgang or the Leatherwall, there would not be the courtesy of trying again to explain the rules(

to Jim. It would be gone, no explanation, sorry, we don't give a crap. You don't see advertisers doing this repeatably on those sites. If anything, I think this site is too lax.
Well, I Googled " Phillipino, MORO, bows and arrows," Hmmm, just another commercial site selling all kinds of stuff in Texas. Jim, is that a friend?, seems they not only sell bows from the Phillipines but armor, muzzleloading acessories, and anything else you want. There was also 734 other sites, some very informative about bows and blow guns from the Phillipine's, but they weren't selling anything. Do everybody and the Moderators a favor and fill everybody in on the rest of the story before you start screaming to the ill informed masses how you were wronged once again.