I had a fellow respond on one of my bamboo backed bow build-a-longs. It just so happens that he lives in rural Ga just an hour away. His name is Jaap, and he has spent many years building bows from bamboo. When I asked him how long he had been building bows, he responded by holding his hand about knee high. I knew immediately from his accent that he wasn't from around these parts. He has spent many years in Ontario running Yumi Bows (
http://www.yumi-bows.com/yumi.html). He has spent much time in Japan and Korea, learning and teaching the ways of the primitive laminated bows. He is now in Georgia growing his own bamboo for bow making. I really wish I could remember the name of the variety that he grows and sells, but I can't. It is some really beautiful stuff though. He says the most important part in quality bamboo is the curing. The quality of work is amazing. I toured his shop, drying racks, and his grove of boo. This gentleman is a true treasure to our sport. I was able to buy five planks of the best quality bamboo that I have ever seen. Here is Jaap under one of his drying sheds.

This is Jaap prepping a boo plank for backing.

Jaap showing me some of his fine bows.

Some of the bamboo planks that I purchased.

The grove of boo! This will require a few more years before harvesting.

Unlike most of the bamboo you buy for bows that is used for Tiki bars and other decoration, this boo is raised, cut, and cured specifically for bow building.
I enjoyed this visit a great deal, and plan to return often.