As bad as I didn't want to show what happened I feel obligated to fess up to my mistakes.
Wasn't too confident that this was ever going to be a bow but had a great time working it and learning what I could do and what I should not do!!

I took a little more wood off to try to even the tiller a little and had wieght down to 37#.
I then piked it 1/2" at each end and put just a little reflex in it like I said I was going to. Really liked the unstung profile but after pikeing and reflexing, the handle wasn't in the center soooo.... bent each end over a little and handle was right in the middle.
I shot it a few times and thought it was throwing the arrows nice for the lower wieght bow. I put it on the scales and it was back to 42#. But when on the scales at 42# @ 26 " I heard " The POP"
Thought it was the staright limb but looking closer it was a crack right in the crook that ran length ways for about 2 inches.
It is all over, pictures show more and the hinge at the crack!!
Thanks all for your help even if I don't always do what is suggested. On the wall in my shop is now the words of wisdom I got from this bow/thread..... "Perfection is the enemy of good" and "Fix it to you break it"
Straighter stave picture shows my next attempt!!!!

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