Hi All,
This bow is very, very special to me. If you'll indulge me, allow me to elaborate as to why. It came off "The Property" that my Grandpa bought over 35 years ago in Western Oregon, near a little town named Vernonia. I grew up going down to "The Property" all of my childhood, my teenage years and as a young adult. We used the property for camping in the spring in summer, and then as a deer & elk camp in the fall. Most of my fondest memories came from the times I spent with my Grandpa hunting and fishing with him down at this property. In 1996 he died and it still brings tears to my eyes when I think of him; he really was my best friend.
Fast forward to the spring of this year, me and my family are cleaning up the aftermath of a flood that rose higher than the "500 year flood" that happend in 1996. Go figure!

Anyway as I was picking up debris I noticed some clusters of trees I had never seen before. They were Hazelnut trees!!! So I stopped for a bit and picked up a few staves and man oh man I could not wait to carve up a now from my Grandpa's property. I promised myself that I would take the sweetest care in building and tillering any piece of wood from this place. After countless hours of TLC, I can honestly say I have never been more proud of something I have made from my own two hands without any direct help from anyone else. And the icing on the cake, the handle is wrapped from some buckskins that my dad found in my Grandma's attic this winter. Holy cow was I excited to get my hands on that leather!
I plan on hunting for deer with this bow in the fall. I know my grandpa will be with me, he's always with me. I look forward to raising the bow, tightening my grip, and grasping the same piece of leather that my Grandpa laid his hands on. I hope he helps me guide that arrow to its final resting place.
This is what draws me to crafting bows, every one of them has a story, and they will continue to create more. I hope everyone enjoys the ride as much as I do.
OK now the stats:
- Hazelnut stave, from the property
- Backed with Cherry Bark, from the property
- Handle is buckskin from a buck that my Grandpa shot
- Handle "thread" is artificial sinew
- 58" ntn
- 56# @ 26"
- Limbs are 1 3/8" at the handle fades & taper down to ~3/8"
- Stain is Trans Tint Amber Yellow
- Limb Tips are Black Leather Dye
- Finish is 10 coats of tru oil followed up by 2 coats of satin polyurethane
- And yes...this bow has zero handshock and is a smokin' fast bow!

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