Thank you all for the nice comments.

I really like seeing "stuff" you all make for yourself and your friends. If it is OK with the moderators

I think I will start a thread in the "Anything else" section. I'll call it, "Things that I have made". I would hope that all of you would post things that are in your stash that you have made in the past and are making right now. As it is called, "Anything else" would it violate policy to post things such as steel knives, horns, FL pistols, accoutrement's, bags, leather work, neat stuff etc.? I for one enjoy seeing the other "stuff" you guys have made. Lets me steal, oops,

borrow and maybe embellish your idea with permission. I truly believe we, as a whole, are a community of some of the most skilled craftsman in the world and in particular us Abos stuck in reliving the past. Its 5:11AM est right now and my wife and I are going Bass fishing. I'll start a post when we get back if I do not receive any objections from the moderators. Please let us do it folks.

Remember some of the things may not relate "directly" to Archery etc. but should be "consistant" with life and articles we used in the past. How about it guys. Are you up for it? I want to see what other talents you got. And I know you got them---I've seen them.

Dick: showoff #1. Just can't leave it alone.