I owe a bow to the younger borther's of a buddy of mine. I started refinishing an old oak bow, but it tunred out to be veyr badly tillered and too awful to give them. So I looked through my old bows, dry staves (the two I have

) and bows I never finished and found a one that worked, a 58" elm D bow pulling about 75+#.
After retillering (it kept the 1 3/4" set it had from before when I had tried tillering it green, but didn't gain anymore), narrowing the handle, and polishing it all off, it came out as a beutiful little elm flatbow. It's about 1 5/8" wide, with a slightly working West Coast Native American style handle. It's 58" long, 45# at 25"- heavy, I know, but I couldn't bring myself to lower it anymore; it shoots so well. I burnished the wood with an old glass jar and finished it with some floor wax. It's a simple little beauty, and showed me how to make a D bow/flatbow hybrid that even
I can tiller

As for the name, it just came to me as I was working. Being such a small bow, and such a swift shooter I guess. Is a sparrow hawk even a real bird

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