sorry gentleman,
didnt mean to offend... just reading over the thread and that video i saw a while back kept poping up in my mind and i thought that some could use or appreciate a little comic relief from all the history...
hope a few did like it...

and i dont know all the history behind the legend, but i always grew up believing that robin hood did exist...
and i strongly believe that all legend come from or originate from "some" truth... and beside look at the popularity of the story... i mean who doesnt know the tale of Robin Hood

i know that doesn't make him real... but it sure does make a little sense... Robin Hood, little john, the mery men... the fact that he was a master of disguiz and the best archer known of that time... its like saying he was billy the kid... or jessie james... in a 1000 yrs im sure people are going to wonder if those people really existed and lets put in a hypithetical factor of a mass fall of sociaty or civilization where all records or computers crash and books and paper records are burnt and sociaty is to start over... like has happend many of times in the dark ages... there would be no proof of billy the kid existing or jessie james... but we know they did, but will people know a thousand yrs from now?

and im sure jessie james is no where neer as big a legend as robin hood not trying to compare just puting an example..
soo yea i really think that Robin Hood did in fact exist... and his legend has survived the ages and the test of time... to have been the best archer like no other in that time fram... i mean that is what he is known for... that and for stealing from the rich and giving to the poor... in a time of great appreation...
soo yea i think he did exist... and i dont need solid proof to believe he lived and existed it impossible to have that in record.... i mean i dont have to have solid records showing proof to believ he existed....
some people are quick to say show me proof and if you cant then it didnt happen!
and they go back to thinking in there little box!