Congratulations to Dana Montgomery of Manistique, MI
The "whollywuheh y'all" Guy, eh!
His fine gift to Julia Rose is May Self Bow of the Month
From Dana:
Here's the little maple bow I made to give away at the classic. I gave it to Marie's daughter Julia Rose her smile says it all
Its bit strong for her but she will grow into in know time at all. Its 30#@24" with 6 red osier arrows. Enjoy
Bowyers liked this bow a lot!!-"That is a beauty of a bow Dana - really slicked up, and some tiny tips. The look on Julia's face has to make you smile .
The little bow that Ridgerunner made for mini out of some of Marie's Ash was a sight to behold too with that pink camo pattern on the back - turned out really nice!
And Marie's osage bow that she slaved on all weekend looked like a real arra flinger - here's the lady's playing with their new toys ." - cowboy
That is a sweet bow! You are very kind to have made that beautiful gift for Julia Rose. You and all the others have been so good to my family and to our whole Primitive Archer team. It was a special time for us all. Thank you very much." -Eagle Texas:monroe
-" Your a good man Charlie Brown." - Justin
-"Yep ! that is just the cannot start them youngsters too early. Beauty little bow." Fishoonah: Frank
-"nice bow, dana! really like the tips!" medicinewheel: frank
-"Julia Rose absolutely LOVES her bow!!! She was beside herself when she received it. She kept talking about how beautiful it was. She loved trying to shoot it. All three of us need practice. I now have an even bigger incentive to put up a target in my back yard!" -Calendargirl
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