I also struggle with "cross dominance..." Just closing my left eye fairly early in my shooting process, shooting right-handed has allowed me to evolve into a decent shot, but it's been a long road. For a long time, I would get maybe 1 out of 6 that would hit left of the target by about 3 feet at 25 yards. But after making the switch from wheelies to PA,I changed the following:
- under-the chin anchor, I am pretty consistent now left/right Most of my misses are vertical errors. I think the under the chin anchor helps me a great deal, as it puts the string right under my right eye, instead of beside it. Think it helps me automatically close that pesky left eye.
(also shortens my draw length, and therefore, bow length eventually)
-unlocked the elbow - Hate armgaurds, now only a glove protects the end of my wrist - since I always hunt deer with camo gloves, might as well shoot with them. also gets that draw length down
- Good bit of canting, especially while sitting. can shoot my 64" bow whie sitting on a foot-tall rock, log , ect.
STILL can't hit squat with a shotgun.
but, my bow's easier to clean.