OK here it is, I'm about 95% sure it is osage by the way.

I know the tiller could be better but the prop twist in the lower limb and those knots gave me fits. I called it good when I got it to shoot with as close to "ZERO" hand shock as I have gotten yet. It shoots hard and fast. I have put probably 120-150 shots thru it so far. It had 2.5 inches of reflex when I started and just after shooting and unstringing it has a about 1.25 inches, after resting it back to about 2 inches. the most reflex I have managed to keep on one yet.
I sprayed this with oven cleaner to try and darken it up some, I could not tell hardly any difference for 4 days. It has 4 hand rubbed coats of truoil on it so far, I'll add a few more coats to it in a few days.
The bow is 59" ntn
53# @ 26"
Beavertail rawhide handle and strike plate.
Buffalo horn overlays.
Thanks for looking David