I put the short string on as soon as I can, because in the past i've tillered bows out using the long string only to find them sadly underweight. Adb uses this definition of a long string: just long enough to be taut when attached to the nocks, without bending the bow or hanging loose. I started to do this, and found that my bows are more consistent to what i want them to be, after that. Once you can draw a bow to desired weight at, say, 15" of draw using adb's long string, then string it to a very low brace height (say, 2 inches). Keep on tillering and drawing the bow, increasing brace height in 1" increments as often as you can without damaging the stave. This takes a little practice. By doing it this way, you'll be at full brace height of 7" or so before you know it, and your bow will pull the weight that you require. Best to tiller in a few pounds over desired weight, so you can round over the edges and do final sand without coming in underweight.