Ryan, I could easily remove an inch from each tip and achieve a 66"n/n bow(68"t/t). Ill check out your locust bow again for details.
Rich, would you post pics of the R/D style you are referring to..braced, unbraced and full draw would be helpful, if you don't mind. I have had problems making weight with a R/D design. I like the idea of a bit of deflex in the handle area on a longer bow. A bit of reflex and recurved tips could be interesting.
Eddie, I usually trap the tips on recurves anyway. Narrow tips with more belly support makes since.
Dano, No pressure from time. Making a bow for Herb Reynolds carries a bit of weight.

Getting ideas from the best source on earth, priceless.

TJ, I know I can do it and I know I will do it and ultimately I will do it my way but with all this talent at my finger tips, how could I refuse!

...and your 2cts is worth every bit of 2cts. more than I can say for the US dollar!

I've seen the improvements you have made in a years time so, yes! your opinions are welcomed. Pat