Mimms, that's why I really dislike full draw shots from the tree.
No matter how you try you can't reproduce the 3 fingers drawing hand, or even the rigth position, and the hand pressure on the handle.
I tiller my bows to 18" on the tree, ......and the rest is in front of the mirror.
As you can see by the shape of my handles, they are made for heeling the bow, and the hook on the drawing string is still about almost 2" under the nocking point.
I always wander about those bows that loook perfectly tillered being drawn strait down in the middle on the tree,...how they really look when drawn by the archer?
The bow is actually symmetrical, you can see the difference on the limbs on the unbraced profile, the bottom has a more steady reflex, the top is more flat but than kick up towards the tip, you can see how at full draw the tips almost match in reflaxed shape, but still when drawn by hand the lower limb comes around more because of the heeling and higher placement of the drawing hand.
..BTW, you can't expect to much, I'm still a rookie bowyer
...I'll get better, I just need some time and practice
Ho yeah, the bow does shoot really nice