Depends on what terms, nuggets, and descriptions your looking for
. All can be found in some kind of knapping publication (the terminology I mean). The art of flintknapping by DC Waldorf comes to mind, the only one I've ever looked at (plenty of pictures and descriptions) - and their are plenty of other fine one's out there.
The main thing is to get some rock that's knappable and get started. Sitting down with someone more advanced at making points is just the right thing to do also if possible
. A few of the basic terms to learn are platform (the point at which you will strike the stone), angle of percussion - also works when pressure flaking, well theirs lots of others. Bottom line - you gotta hold your peice at the right angle, with a stout enough platform and hit it to knock off the flake ya want. If I had some pictures right now I'd show ya.