here is the sister bow to the oak bow listed a couple days ago.
also from a southern red oak stave not a board.
unbacked, 63" ntn about 60# @ 27"
limbs are 1 3\4 wide and fade to just under 3\8 tips
antiqued leather grip (antiqued with black walnut hull stain) tips are black walnut
this one took maybe 1 1\2 of set, but it shoots great. quite fast for a selfbow of this weight. i have been pleased with the oak so far, i personally consider it better wood then hickory. very smooth to draw. very little stack, just a slight hint of hand shock, but its
real slight. --- a real contender for a deer hunt, for sure. i may consider letting this one go too, but i dunno, i might get attached to this one.
i enjoy your kind words, thanks for looking- Ryan
also, a note for
oldbow i have a few bows already posted this month, if you dont want the extra work of adding them into the BOM, dont feel obligated to add all of them in or you can add them together, whatever you decide is easier for you. i dont want to give you more work load

i dont really consider any of these to be top contenders- thanks, Ryan
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