Cool, I cant wait for the video to come out. Be sure to let us all know when its avalible.
I took my bows to the GLLI (Great Lakes Longbow Invitational) I shot my war bows so darn much. You would not believe how many people wanted to shoot them or were just interested. It was great!! Down side is they lost all my war arrows so I am now in a pinch to make some new one right quick before the next show. I found 2 guys who could get the big one back to 32", one guy (Steve from Northern Mist Longbow) pulled that bow like it was a rubberband back to 34". I betcha he could easily do 14-150 and 2 oter guys shooting 80-90 war bows made from sass-a-frass!!! All in all a very sucsefullfirst atempt to promotre this style of archery here in Michigan. I am meting up with a few of the guys to do some flight shooting next week.
here is a pic of my stand. I was promoting Native American Indian bows and shooting styles (bows on the right) and English Longbows and English Warbows (on the left). took allot of good stuff for people to see and look at, like my Oiled war arrow bags and stuff. People were facinated. It was great fun and many people have been added to the ranks.

It was great! Now off to rip some shafts!