Hi yall I haven't posted on this forum in years haha. So I live in eastern central Utah and I've been into making 50" ish northern plaines style bows from local bow woods. Choke cherry, juniper, service berry. I've had a little secsess with it. But everything i make explodes. Usually halfway through the tellering process. I had a nice RM juniper that pulled 50# at 25inches with 3 layers of sinew and a beautiful tiller that blew up after a year. And the last 4 bow staves I've had of juniper and choke cherry exploded only halfway through tellering. The juniper was my bad. I forgot you cant mess with it much before it's sinew backed but on all of them i was working on where barly to half tiller. And boom!
My guess is that because it's so bloody dry here it's all getting to brittle or something. I usually library apply elk tallow to my finished bows on a fairy regular bases. Do I need to be oiling my staves??? Any help and advice is apreasheate. It's getting a little descouraging out here haha.