Your bows look good. You definitely have enough skill to experiment with lemonwood, and not be worried.
Lemonwood is a good wood, for bows. In fact it was considered one of the 3 top woods for commercial bow making(yew and osage the others).
Ipe, I would rate as superior to lemonwood. It takes less set, needs less wood to make a good bow, ie dimensions of an Ipe bow are much narrower. Ipe is a very heavy /dense wood.
It takes quite a bit of set if used as a board bow. I have not found it to be sensitive to fretting or chrysalling, as it will make a deep sectioned english longbow. Pat may have got a bad board, or the bow length/ width design was not enough for the poundage he was after.
To avoid set, and maximise cast, back the stave with boo or hickory, reflexing a couple of inches during the glue up.
Width for lemonwood flatbow, I usually go for 1.5-1.75" wide at the widest part. Pretty much the same design most people use for an osage flatbow. For a similar bow in Ipe I would use 1.25-1.5" for a flatbow.
This link on Stemmler has some dimensions of lemonwood bows that his factory used to make. for steam bending lemonwood, I have never tried(due to the same warnings that you mentioned). I have heard some guys have tried it and been successful. Due to the best usage of lemonwood being in backed or laminated bows, most guys that want to recurve, glue it in. Either several thin core and belly laminations, tapered along the length, so the tip section is even thinner. You also have the option of saw kerfing the tip area of a thicker belly lam, so it becomes more flexible. You then glue in thin strips to take up the space that the kerf left, when you glue up the reflex.
Here's another method you could use, it involves gluing underlays, good for static tips. just checked the second link won't show properly, try this one. If it works you can click on the images for more detail.