Spend the money on a nice osage stave and don't look back. I don't buy osage and have no idea what it goes for. But, I know its less than yew by half, I'd bet. Paul Comstock's flyer "The Bent Stick" is a very simple, generic build and easy to follow guidleine. Traditional Bowyers Bible 1 and 2 are a few more priceless learning tools. Take your time a success is very achievable. I tend to stay away from YouTube stars. There is a lot of blah, blah, blah, blah, with no experience behind it. Clay Hayes vids are some I would suggest. He's just a guy making bows like just a guy would. You will need a pencil, 12" flexible ruler, sharp draw knife, 3/16 chainsaw file, a few half round rasps and a scraper. The rest is just work and patience.