Help me understand?
FYI I have been build bows for 20 years, BBO's, BBI's, selfbows and Fiberglass bows.
The core wood is tapered in thickness after the horn is glued on, in this book.It's showing a radius of 70mm on the back of the horn and 50mm on the belly (reading the first line, 50-70 in the picture) of the horn for a 30-40mm wide bow
also the horn is 5mm thick for a 74-79 lb. bow--let's stay with 5mm for this conversation.

34mm at the widest point

I like to draw up the parts so I can see what's going on.
White is 5mm thick, the horn would have to be 7.1mm thick for this picture to be true.
This picture is showing the horn finished on the belly, but it would not be for the glue up.
For a 50 lb. bow what thickness should I start with?